Children (of all ages) can Star in Cartoon DVDs!
“My Very Own Adventure!”, a patent-pending system which allows children to be the star of their own cartoons, is a kiosk-based, turnkey operation created for Family Entertainment Centers and Party Rental companies. Each child chooses the “Adventure” in which they’d like to star. They are then filmed in front of a green screen performing a series of actions based on that Adventure’s story line. After filming, the action footage is woven into the cartoon, a keepsake DVD is created, and “Presto!” the child is the star of their own cartoon. The entire process is completed within 8 minutes. There are currently 7 different Adventures to choose from, with new ones being released quarterly.
“My Very Own Adventure!” is a product of Cybergraphix, Inc., an interactive media company based in Nova, Ohio. The system was unveiled at last year’s Fun Expo in Las Vegas. Since that time, the system’s proprietary software, GreenKey, was completed, and “My Very Own Adventure!” has debuted in test markets throughout the country.
“These past 10 months have been all about getting MVOA out there, gauging response from both operators and customers”, says Rob Robertson, the creator of “My Very Own Adventure!”. “We’ve taken that input and made real-world adjustments to the system which make it both more appealing to the market as a whole and more lucrative for our partners”.
Two versions of the system are available: a castle-themed kiosk for Family Entertainment Centers, and a Mobile System for Party Rental Companies. Shipping, set up, training, and P.R. are included with purchase, as well as ongoing technical support, all new Adventures, and software updates.
Each Adventure features original characters and voiceovers. The storylines range from navigating a Haunted Manor to exploring space to touring the countryside from the top of a friendly dragon. Custom Adventures featuring mascots are also available.
The Adventures are geared toward children from 2 -15; however, many adults have enjoyed the experience of creating their “Very Own Adventures!”
The “My Very Own Adventure!” system will be demonstrated at Booth #1417 at the IAAPA Attractions Expo from November 17 – 21 in Orlando, FL.
For more information, go to, or contact Rob Robertson at

"My Very Own Adventure!" Featured on Fox 8 Cleveland's Kickin' it with Kenny!
"Kenny Watches Kids Become Cartoon Stars!" Click here to view part of the feature.
Featured in the December 2007 edition of
Play Meter magazine
Devony and Demiya Miller talk about their experience with "My Very Own Adventure!"
"Cybergraphix My Very Own Adventure was really neat because it gave a chance for kids to be funny and be in a cartoon. Plus, you get a souvenir DVD to show to friends and family."
"Yes, that was really cool. I like to watch myself in the video. It is funny and they said they have several cartoons to choose from, but they had only one to try at the trade show."
"My Very Own Adventure" in Park World Magazine
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Or, click here to view the December / January issue of the magazine and turn to page 53 for our article.
Park World is one of the original and most lively amusement industry journals and is read by park operators and suppliers worldwide. The magazine features regular park profiles, news, comment, interviews, trade show reports and new ride/product information.
"My Very Own Adventure!" in RePlay Magazine
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RePlay Magazine is the leading monthly trade journal for the coin-operated amusement route, arcade, FEC & LBE owner, published since 1975.